Get more Airbnb cleaning jobs in Austin, Texas

No Bids. Only confirmed jobs.

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What we do

We work with a network of short term rental property managers who rely on us to get their properties cleaned and get it ready for their guests. We send these confirmed jobs to our cleaning partners (like yourself) to get them done with 5-star quality. Cleaning partners are provided with our proprietary mobile app that allows them to do their job quickly and easily.


Why Automatebnb?

Confirmed jobs
We only send you confirmed jobs. No bids. You only pay commission fees once the job is done.
True partnership
Our approach is to minimize process and trust you will do your best work to provide 5-star cleaning quality.
Mobile app
Make STR cleanings a breeze using our mobile app with features like staging guide, walkthrough, and more.
Manage existing clients
Invite your existing clients so you can manage all your jobs in one place, saving you hours of operational time.

How it works

Simple to get started

1. Discovery call
We will share more about how this partnership opportunity can be mutually beneficial. We would love to learn about your business goals and challenges as well as learn about how you ensure cleaning quality stays high.
2. Onboarding
We will send you an application for you to fill out and setup a video call to get your onboarded on our mobile app.
3. Get jobs
Once there are job opportunities in your area, you will be notified on your mobile app with all the details.
4. Get paid
Simply accept the job, show up, and do your best work. Once the job is completed, we will send you the payment.

Straight forward pricing for our partners


per confirmed job

We only a charge commission fee once the job is completed.

Frequently asked questions

Our mission is to automate your short term rental operations, starting with cleanings.

2024 © Automatebnb Inc.